Thirty-one proposals submitted to the 2021 SUSFOOD2 and FOSC joint call
The joint 2021 call of the ERA-NETs SUSFOOD2 and FOSC received 31 transnational research project proposals. The call “Innovative solutions for resilient, climate-smart and sustainable food systems” closed on August 16th. The submitted proposals include collaboration of more than 195 research partners and have focused on the following call topics:
- Topic 1: Innovations to improve food systems sustainability, with a focus on increasing resource efficiency and reducing waste (23 proposals)
- Topic 2: Food Systems adaptation and resilience to system shocks (8 proposals)
The proposals will now be assessed for eligibility by the Call Office and the national funding bodies. Afterwards, they will be evaluated by international peer-reviewers following the criteria and procedure stated in the Call Announcement and Evaluation Guidelines. Based on the experts’ evaluation, the final selection decision by the Call Board will be announced earliest in December 2021.
The network consists of 14 funding bodies from 13 countries/regions, committing around 7.85 Million EUR for transnational research.
You can still access the submission tool and all relevant Call Documents here.